Books by Jim Linderman

Books by Jim Linderman
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True Burlesque The Humble Beginnings of Donald Trump ???

True Burlesque The Humble Beginnings of Donald Trump ?   Nah...just some muscle-head who ran a topless dump that resembles Don when he had a head of hair.  I cribbed it off the internet only to discuss the Don and why he has been useful. Trump has actually knocked off Hilary's REAL competition.  First Scott Walker, the one person who had NEVER IN HIS LIFE LOST AN ELECTION, even the one they tried to get rid of him with.  He was serious competition and he could have won.  The Koch Brothers would have supported him big time, as he hates unions.  Thank GAWD Trump sucked all the energy out of him and he quit before he got lucky with some stupid debate phrase.  

Next, Trump is forcing Bush out too...Bush could have beaten Hillary too... as any Bush running for president has enough millions from rich right wing millionaires to buy any election.  Seriously...but the Bush sprout can't get a word in edgewise with Trump garnering all the attention.  Thanks! 

The other reason I love Trump?  He has exposed the Republican party base.  You see, the only people who SHOULD be voting for the elephants are the very rich. Starting about 25 years ago, the party made a concentrated effort to attract millions of new dumb voters.  They made it a "silent majority" and "protect our rights to have guns" and a "stop abortion party." Then they made it a climate change deniers party.  They couldn't run on "MAKE US RICHER" after all. They padded their totals...and then gerrymandered the rest into a bunch of areas now shoe-ins for any candidate who can trick those "Guns and God" voters.  

Trump has exposed that the base the Republicans counted on are somewhat dull, somewhat racist, somewhat "one issue" voters.  They actually believe TV "reality" shows are REAL!!!  For that, I am grateful for Donald Trump. 

If we are lucky, he will help make a complete shambles out of the Republican convention and we will have eight more years of a president who will protect a woman's right to choose, encourage labor unions, expand healthcare and make some progress on convincing those too ignorant to realize immigration is not only what this country was founded on, but that diversity is GOOD FOR AMERICA!  

So is not Trump in front of a is a press photograph of some lowlife in the sunlight who didn't have a million dollars from dad to invest in real estate.  Looks like him though!