Books by Jim Linderman

Books by Jim Linderman
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Jewel Dee Bundle of Love and Belle of the South rocks the Red Barn True Burlesque

True Burlesque visits the Red Barn with Jewel Dee!

Jewell Dee stripped in Miami in 1950 and 1951.   Other peelers she appeared with are Dark Venus, Tiny Smith and Penny Art.   She worked The Red Barn and later the Harem Club (with one Lusty Le Lure)  

In 1949, New Orleans had banned burlesque for a time, and the girls all packed up and moved to Miami.

Miss Dee was apparently from Illinois, as there is a promotional picture indicating her address was in Centerville Station, IL.  She was pert.   

The Red Barn was "a termite riddled old farm building done over for show purposes according to the Cabaret Quarterly.   It was located just outside the city limits, so the shows were more raunchy.  Consequently, arrests which coincided with election season were common for both the dancers and the owner.  Next to the club was a tiny zoo with a monkey and an elephant. 

As you can see, Miss Dee had two promotional handouts…one clothed, the other less so.

Show business which skirted the law.

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