Books by Jim Linderman

Books by Jim Linderman
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True Burlesque Who Else Posed for Irving Klaw? La Savona AKA Svetia Goode

Today True Burlesque under the heading of "Who else posed for Irving Klaw" we have La Savona.  AKA Svetia Goode.  La Savona came down to the House of Klaw, ran through her routine (which included flexing through a veil and spreading her legs)  then apparently  came back and did another with the whip.  Klaw's inventory had no less than 100 images of her for sale.

Shown here are a few dozen of the "proto jpegs" the sleaze merchant used in his catalog to promote them, but after years of searching for dingy originals on eBay, not many turn up.  I am afraid La Savona was not really an earner for Irving, though he may have had only about $25 into it.

Savona is a city in Italy, not France, but it sounds French.  Good enough. The exotic La Savona was Hungarian, though one source pegs her has Czech.  Their history is complicated, but Frolic Magazine in 1957 said she was from Prague.  Frolic put together their content from press releases, but we'll trust them here.     

America.  The Land of Opportunity, and we welcome all.  At least, we did once.

In 1955, Billboard Magazine reports her dancing in New York.  Here she bills herself as "The Flame of Paris" which of course she was not.  Three years later she was still doing the exotic dance in Canada.  Two years later?  In PIttsburgh, where she was "The Fabulous La Savona" and fresh from the Seattle World's Fair.  She was also billed as "The Modern Schehrazade" but certainly the highlight of her career had to be the cover of Caberet Quarterly, Industry Bible for peelers.   

Guess what?  As of a few years ago, La Savona was still kicking.  She appears in the Behind the Burley Q  documentary in 2010. 


True Burlesque Jennie Lee Hicks The Bazoom Girl

True Burlesque presents a collection of Jennie Lee The Bazoom Girl in action and with tired feet.  The star of "She Dood it in Dallas" folks.  Miss 44 and Plenty More.