Walter Hale. A carnival barker of a publisher. A legendary huckster and promoter. Hale produced a string of vintage vehicles which ran on dames, most of them burlesque dancers. He distributed his magazines in an unusual manner…by giving them away at carnivals and strip shows he promoted. Hale Published Tom Cat, Girls, Scandoll, Hollywood Confidential and Play Girl (for which he was sued by no less than Hugh Hefner.
The best part of Walter Hale product (other than the publicity photos of strippers from the golden age of stripping) is his alliteration. Never has a publisher run together so many words which start with the same letter. That is Hale taking his "step right up" slogans to the smut market.
Here, he places a wonderful picture of Tempest Storm and counts her among his Diverting Damsels Daringly Delineated.